“My Name is Nick James. I'm 46 Years Old, Married And Have Two Grown Up Children…
In Fact, You Could Say I’m Just An Average Kind Of Guy…
… But, What I Stumbled Across In London Nearly TWENTY YEARS AGO Is Anything But Average…
It’s A Proven Way Of Making Money From Home Which No One Else Is Talking About...
… It takes me around 1 hour a day to do this just 2 or 3 days a week...
If you’d like, I can show YOU what I do to make this kind of money 'from scratch' in exactly the same way too... “
I guarantee that in the next few minutes, you'll know the easiest way on the planet to make CONSISTENT PROFITS, working around 1 hour a day, 3 or 4 days a week.
In fact, I've even come up with a way for you to try this out for yourself at home, completely WITHOUT RISK!
And let me make one thing absolutely clear from the start:
This is NOT a silly get rich quick scheme … it's NOT MLM … it’s NOT gambling … telesales or stuffing and mailing envelopes… it’s NOT anything to do with Amazon or eBay... and it’s certainly NOT anything to do with trading the stock markets, Forex, Crypto or buying and selling Bitcoin.
It's just a really simple and genuine way for you to secure your financial future with relatively little effort.
In fact, if you can't copy what I do and make money from this (no matter what your current position), then I'll be absolutely amazed. And I should know because…
The 1st time I tried this I banked: £29,426.40
The 2nd time I tried this I banked: £71,370.00
The 3rd time I tried this I banked: £265,356.00
The 4th time I tried this I banked: £595,720.55
And the last time I tried this I banked: £1,159,100.20
Which is why, even if you were absolutely terrible at this, I genuinely believe you could still make a few thousand pounds each month with what you're about to hear about.
Indeed, it's just a matter of following a simple set of instructions … instructions that are so straightforward it's actually really difficult to see how you could go wrong.
But before I reveal this to you, I think I should very quickly let you know how I originally came across this.
Firstly, I must admit I heard about this way of making money quite a few years before I actually started using it myself...
... I went to a talk given by a little-known but very successful self-made millionaire. A man who leads the kind of extraordinary lifestyle to which so many aspire. He was talking about something called Product Licensing. He literally introduced me to a totally new way of making money, which really so few people know about.
It involved licensing and distributing simple information-based products over the Internet and through the post but not in a way in which you would first expect... But nevertheless, it was a business that was capable of generating several thousand pounds of profit per month for anyone wanting to run this type of business from home in their spare time.
... Absolutely flawless in your approach to people, a true deliverer of value added service. There is much talk of win-win situations, this happens to be one of them...
Denzil Durke
I found it to be the key to how successful individuals were making huge amounts of money in the information business in the shortest amount of time. By the way, this is the one thing not mentioned in all the various How-To type products you've previously been offered or seen advertised.
By the end of his talk, I was understandably extremely excited, but, ashamedly I admit that I wound up doing absolutely nothing about licensing whatsoever.
You see at the time I was too busy struggling... struggling to keep my full-time job and trying to invent and create my own products to sell.
"... If people use this information, they should be able to move forward quickly..."
Sylia Berrill
I was really focussed on this being the way to make money and though I understood the licensing concept, I was still thinking that my success lay in creating products myself.
The fact is, I'd missed the point entirely.
And it would appear I'm not the only one!...
Then 2 years later, I sat down and heard another guy, this time a direct marketing genius from the United Kingdom, talking about product licensing once again...
For some reason, hearing about this the second time around, it just all 'clicked' into place. It finally dawned on me just what this guy was really saying. Here's a powerful way to make a great living WITHOUT ever having to create your own products at all. Ever.
And I'm talking about high quality PROVEN information products here ... digitally downloadable PDFs ... Videos... Manuals... Home Study Courses ... Membership sites... Podcasts... Software Programs... (I'm NOT talking about those poor quality PLR articles and eBook offers) ... but real solid products, including brand name products.
I don't know why, but an 'imaginary light bulb' above my head just suddenly stating shining very brightly...
So much so, that just a few months after attending this second seminar in London, UK, Product Licensing had turned my small one-man business, into one of the largest home-based product licensing and on demand-publishing businesses in the country.
"Thanks for the profits from the licensing business we have just moved to a new luxury home in the UK Hampshire countryside. Here's a snap of me 'working' in the sunshine."
In fact, I just can't imagine anyone who couldn't make a great deal of money from licensing.
It truly is just about the best kept moneymaking secret in the world today.
But the problem for most people starting out is that they don't know how to get started, or where, or how to get a hold of the really great ready-made products they can license.
Unfortunately, there is relatively little information available on how to do this ... it seems those in the know, keep this information pretty close to their chest.
Well today, that's all going to change. I'm going to tell you how you can get a stack of great, profit-producing information products instantly (and yes I mean instantly).
What you are about to read is new information that's being released for the first time ... the kind of stuff you really will find it difficult to obtain anywhere else, if at all.
"Nick was great, he filled the presentation with so much practical
and useable information..."
Craig Dawber
Because so few people really know about product licensing, they presume that it must be extremely complex or difficult. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's a very simple and quick method of getting into profit. In fact, to all intents and purposes, each product you receive the license to, is like owning another instant ready-made business.
In a moment I'll tell you how you can get into this lucrative business, how you can source a virtually limitless supply of really top-quality information products and how you can even receive a total of three excellent information product licenses completely FREE. (Complete with all the marketing materials you will ever need to promote them)
But first, let me very briefly just explain the idea behind information licensing.
Essentially, from the huge number of products that exist in the marketplace, you pay the owner/author a modest amount of money for the license.
And by the way, I do mean a modest amount because there are several types of license you can attain, some of which you'll discover are very inexpensive.
In return, the owner of the information product allows you to make as many copies of the product as you like. You can then sell them at full retail price and keep all the money. In short, you get the license to make 100% of the profits.
No royalties ... No big license fee ... No commissions to pay.
For example, one of the first licenses I brought was for a product, which I could sell through the post for £139. In other words, for a very reasonable amount of money I was able to get a superb high profit information product all ready to go.
I got masters of the manual, the audio-recordings; the sales letter; the advertising material; the marketing idea ... the works!
The day I got the package I was literally in business ... all the hard work had already been done for me. All I had to do was roll it out.
And a major benefit with these types of quality ready-made products is that they tend to have high mark-ups. So, you don't need to sell many to make a really good return. For example, just 150 sales of this £139 product would generate £20,850. Imagine that. Over TWENTY GRAND for just a paltry 150 sales.
Of course, you could go ahead and create such products yourself. But that's the hard way to make money in the information business. After all, how long would it take you to create such a product? Do you really want to do it anyway? Can you write powerful sales copy?
Even if you were to produce a report or manual, do you honestly want to sit down, research the subject matter and spend maybe weeks producing it? Not to mention testing all the various components in the offer (such as advertisement copy; advertisement placement; sales copy; price etc).
Wouldn't you prefer to take a huge shortcut and ... Do absolutely nothing whatsoever to produce, or even test, the product? To obtain the license and have a business that literally comes ready-made?
To market a product which has already proven to make money? Complete with advertisements and sales materials, which have already been tested?
To me, this is THE SMART WAY to make money.
In the time it takes you to create, research and produce just ONE information product, you could have 10 really great products on the go each earning you real money.
There's just no comparison.
Wow Nick, a real eye-opener… Thank you for the chance to return home with so much information and so many brilliant ideas
Nikky J Barrett
"Wouldn't you prefer a life whereby you had the freedom to do what you wanted, when you wanted? To have no boss? To have financial independence? To take holidays where you like for as long as you like? To live in the home you want and drive the car you want?
Licensing is without doubt one of the best and quickest ways to move profitably into the information business. And in a way which carries far less risk then producing and testing your own products from scratch.
Remember, I'm talking about high quality pre-tested products, not the low-grade rubbish you see others trying to palm you off with.
That is definitely NOT the information licensing business at all.
Yet, as I mentioned, so few individuals really know about it because there is little, if anything, written on the subject.
It is truly one of the best-kept secrets in the entrepreneurial world. Which is strange really when you consider how very easy it is to get into this business.
But then again, I suppose that's probably the very reason those in the know have kept so very quiet.
However, personally I think it's a shame little has been published about information licensing because right now, and without you even knowing it, thousands and thousands of pounds are literally passing you by every year. For instance, once I understood how important licensing could be for my information business, I started sucking up licenses as quickly as I could. They're everywhere!
The result was that last year became my BIGGEST most profitable year ever. Coincidence? I don't think so. I was able to prove to myself how valuable those licenses were. In fact, just one license generated more money for me, than the amount I had paid for all the other licenses combined.
You know when I think back, I realise how foolish I had been to ignore this the first time around. I turned my back on the whole idea of licensing, simply because I didn't understand it properly. I don't want you to make the same mistake.
"You cannot build an empire without good foundations, this package has laid those foundations"
Graham Sheppard
It's not difficult by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it's so simple once you have had it explained to you in a straightforward and easy to understand way, there will be no reason why you can't quickly start generating a substantial income from product licensing for yourself.
However, as I said, until now nothing (as far as I know) has really been published about product licensing in any depth. I was made even more aware of this by my wife (and business partner) Kate, who, after receiving so many requests from would-be information publishers keen to know how we’re so successful... got us thinking, and eventually I decided it might be a good idea to let others know about this remarkably profitable concept.
This stuff has taken me years to learn. Not because it's difficult but because, as I said, it's really hard to find any information about this process. It's generally the kind of stuff being passed around in a small inner-circle of info-entrepreneurs by word of mouth.
The trouble is if you're not a part of that circle, you don't get to easily find out about such things.
Well, I've done something about it. The result is that I have produced an information-packed easy-to-follow manual called, The L.I.C.E.N.S.E. Formula. A system I truly believe can rapidly change your life.
Why should I do this? After all, am I not simply creating competition for myself?
If you understood this business (as you will), you wouldn't actually even ask that, because the information and licensing business is just so incredibly huge ... and it's getting bigger by the day. The possibilities, and sheer number of products available for license, are almost infinite.
Actually, far from creating competition, if anything it's going to open up even more business for both of us, as you'll understand once you study The Product Licensing Formula home study course for yourself.
" Excellent, thank you very much, well presented and easy to understand"
Arthur Ralph
As I said, you'll find it difficult if not impossible, to find this kind of information anywhere. Furthermore, this is real. None of it is theory.
What I'll be teaching you is the simple process I use every day to make myself a very healthy profit. A process remember, which has enabled me to bank between £25,000-£35,000 pounds each and every month since I first started doing this just over twenty years ago.
Though I haven't got much space in this letter to reveal everything to you, I would like to point out some of the things you'll not only learn, but master.
Well, I could go on and on, but I'm sure you are beginning to get the picture. There is so much in this breakthrough home study course ... remarkable information which you'll be discovering for the first time. It will teach you the real power behind the product licensing business ... it will show you how the major players are able to make so much money from doing little more than licensing information products and marketing them over the Internet and through the post.
In fact, armed with this knowledge, I truly can't imagine anyone who couldn't make money from this. In addition, it's such a very simple business to get into, and it really does open up so many income opportunities, some of which you may not even yet be aware of.
I know I have over delivered with this manual. I have even put in a few extra secrets which my original 'multi-million pound mentor' told me in no uncertain terms "you have to leave those out of the final draft" …
… And if I'm being completely honest with you, they're such powerful techniques I'm now having serious thoughts about keeping them in the manual the next time I have the course printed.
" ... Fantastic, and a real eye opener. Your package and delivery was concise and inspiring. It was definitely riveting..."
Wayne Harding
Which reminds me of another powerful piece of information I'll open you up to in the programme. A way for you to make even bigger profits from your licensing business... far, far bigger. (page 147)
How? Well, as I said earlier, there are several types of licenses you can attain. One of these licenses will enable you to work even less than before, while increasing your profits. A method of running your licensing business without ever advertising or mailing out your offer... without dealing with customers ... without processing any product orders.
Without going into too much detail here, with this type of license you'll be able to sell licenses to others in the information field for several hundred, even thousand pounds a time. Believe me, it's big money and just as easy to get into.
If you don't want to sell your product one at a time and you'd rather make a fast bundle up front, selling licenses yourself (as opposed to buying them) and then letting other people sell the product/s is an even more profitable option. I can't wait for you to learn this. It's extremely easy to launch and maybe the next logical step for you to take once the profits start rolling in from the distribution of your ready-made products.
All in all, this extra information makes The Product Licensing Formula the most incredible home study course you'll likely to come across for a very long time. A lot has been written about the information publishing business and I'm sure you may even have bought material in the past about this business, but I don't think you'll have seen too much about product licensing... at least not in any detail. The truth is that it's just not that easy to get hold of this information.
So, what's the deal for this exclusive Product Licensing Formula? Surprisingly a lot, lot less than I bet you're thinking of right now.
In fact, you are going to be very pleasantly surprised ... I guarantee it. Before I tell you however, I should let you know about something else which I'm including with the programme.
When I put this Product Licensing Formula together, I wanted to do a really good job. I wanted to give you something which would really help you get easily started in this wonderful business. I didn't want you to just have the information ... the knowledge about licensing if you like. I wanted you to have EVERYTHING you'd need to get up and running immediately.
So along with the core training manual I'm going to give you the FREE LIFETIME, WORLDWIDE, LICENSING RIGHTS to THREE excellent information products. (And please don't confuse these with low-grade resale rights to '500 reports on a disc' type of packages) These information products are brand new, real high quality, niche, market information products.
They also come complete with everything you need to start making money from them right away. Including: professionally prepared graphics, pre-written sales letters, follow up autoresponder emails, EVERYTHING!)
This means you'll have the full licensing rights to print / make as many copies of these products as you like.
You can sell them either as standalone products, as premium bonuses, lead generators, extra gifts for people who buy from you ... whatever you like.
You can even use an extra secret technique which is fully explained on page 63 of the course manual to almost guarantees your success with any product you license.
They're yours to use any way you'd like. You'll NOT owe me a penny in royalties or commission. They will become your products to do with as YOU wish.
Will you get rich from these three products? Will you be able to retire next Thursday? Well I want to be quite frank with you, no you won't.... That's not their purpose. However, they will give you an excellent start in licensing.
They can be your first three ready-to-go products, which remember I am giving to you completely FREE. Three products for you to do whatever you want with... and you haven't paid a single penny for. Now there's not many deals that good in this life.
"Okay, fair enough. So how much is this entire home study course? How much for a program which will teach me all I need to know about the product licensing business PLUS give me the lifetime reprint licenses for not just one but THREE great information products?"
Well, if I told you that I would normally sell a home study course like this for around £297, but that I was going to make a very special offer to you, how much do you think it would be? ...
Possibly, £197?
Maybe, if I'm really generous, you might think that I'd knock £150 off and make it available for £147?
WRONG! Because right now I am knocking off a massive £220 and giving you the opportunity to own the entire Product Licensing Formula Home Study Course, including the full lifetime and unrestricted worldwide license reprint rights to all THREE information products, for just £77 (plus £9.95 S&H)
Believe me, this is real.
The product licenses I have included in this package alone are worth a lot more than this, but I've got so many projects on the go at the moment, that I'm more than happy to sell a few of these Product Licensing Formula Home Study Courses to new/existing customers at the massively reduced price of just £77 (plus £9.95 S&H) Oh, and if you're wondering how good such a product could be for such a low price, let me answer you.
Often low price means low quality, we both know that, but very occasionally you do get incredible value ... this just happens to be one of those times.
Honestly, it’s a great deal, and I'm sure you already appreciate that, but if you are still unsure about either the quality or the licensing business itself, why not take a look at a few of the comments from a few of my private students who were sent a pre-release copy of the course.:
"One of the most clear cut presentations on how you can get yourself up and running with a product to sell, without getting bogged down - especially if you are a beginner... The lack of BS and 'filler content' was EXTREMELY refreshing"
Hayden Sullivan
"Very well produced... very professional..."
Mrs Sheelagh Ruse
"Thank you for introducing me to this Nick... one product I just licensed from a guy in the States has already generated me over $1,000 and I have only just started out in the licensing business... here's to ongoing success in this business"
Bill Hopkins
"Extremely good value for money and very professionally presented..."
Peter Heywood
I could show you many more, but I just haven't got room to put them. Anyway, I don't want to try to convince you about the validity of this business. I don't have to ... the fact is that licensing works ... AND I MEAN REALLY WORKS! It is a proven and powerful way to make money.
In a minute I'll tell you exactly what you have to do to get your hands on this exclusive money-making package.
But before I forget, let me tell you about TWO EXTRA BONUSES I've also created to accompany the Product Licensing Formula core training manual, again …COMPLETELY FREE… But only if you place your order within the next 3 DAYS.
Captured LIVE on Video -
The full and unedited 60-minute keynote presentation I recently made from stage at a private £997 a seat live event for Information Publishers and Online Marketers about ‘Product Licensing'.
During the presentation I fully explained the licensing concept from scratch and how you can quickly use licensing to L-E-V-E-R-A-G-E any business into a much stronger position than you would ever have thought possible.
HINT… One person I mention during this presentation used this exact licensing technique and ended up becoming one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs on the planet!
Believe me you do not want to miss out on watching this video and because you can't get it anywhere else… it’s worth the price of the package alone.
In addition to the L.I.C.E.N.S.E. Formula manual; you will also receive an additional package of high value resources to really help you to hit the ground running and making maximum money with licensing in the minimal amount of time possible. Including:
Special Report: An additional 12-page report titled “How to Make Even More Sales of Your Licensed Products!” which will take you through an additional 3-step marketing process and could quickly DOUBLE your financial results.
Cheat Sheet: An ‘at-a-glance-summary’ of the entire L.I.C.E.N.S.E. Formula in the form of a professionally laid out Infographic which you can put up on the wall in your home office. Looking at this once-a-day could be all it takes to keep you on track just like it does for me. To the point remember, where I’m consistently generating between £25,000 - £35,000 per month. How would you feel if you had that type of money coming into your bank account each month too?
Printable Checklist: Never miss a single step of this profitable licensing strategy by checking off each step as you go. Running more than one licensing project at a time? No problem, you can print off as many copies of this handy checklist as often as you like.
Glossary Of Terms: Like any business, the product licensing business also has its own unique language. This handy 1-sheet jargon buster will help you to cut through any unfamiliar terms and have you sounding like a seasoned professional in no time at all.
Secret Approach Fill-In-the-Blanks Template: On page 53 of the L.I.C.E.N.S.E. Formula core training manual, I explain a very simply yet amazingly effective technique to find new and untapped licensing opportunities. (No one else I know does this), but you will be able to put it to work immediately just by filling-in-the-blanks.
As you can see, this quick start pack is packed with some handy accessories and resources to help you get started with your new product licensing business in the shortest amount of time. If I sold these bonus items separately, (or as an upsell)... I could easily ask for an additional £97…
… But, instead, I’d rather give you everything you need in one handy package and include these extra items with my compliments … As a free fast-action bonus, for taking prompt action and securing your copy of the Product Licensing Formula today (and certainly within the next 3 days).
However, despite all this, I'd still like to give you the chance to review the complete Product Licensing Formula home study course in the privacy of your own home WITHOUT ANY RISK OR OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER.
And I'll make it a very straightforward guarantee by the way. If after reviewing everything in the comfort of your own home, you don't think you can make money with product licensing, then fine, just return the Product Licensing Formula core training manual to me WITHIN 30 DAYS and I'll refund your £77 in full. That's it.
You don't have to explain to me why you don't want to continue… or produce evidence that you've tried the system out. NOTHING!
Furthermore, even if you do decide to return the Product Licensing Formula core training manual, you are free to keep ALL the bonuses with my compliments ... That's the lifetime reprint rights to the £291 worth of product licenses to the THREE top quality information products ... And the Bonus Video Keynote Presentation … And the entire contents of the Bonus Quick Start Accessories Pack (when you order within 3 days). Just for taking a look at this amazing home study program.
They'll be yours with my compliments, whatever you decide.
At the very worst, even if you decided this isn't for you and returned the manual, you'd still end up with over £485 worth of bonuses. In other words, I've literally REMOVED all the risk so you really do have nothing to lose by at least taking a look.
Okay, with that said, I guess it's now over to you.
All I can add, just in case you're still not sure, is that I truly believe, wholeheartedly, that the using of product licensing in this way is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make serious money.
But you have to do something about it NOW!
It'll be no good looking back in years to come and thinking, if only...
If you seriously want a stress-free, risk-free way to make Several Thousand Pounds Profit Every Month, I can tell you now … having seen virtually everything that's been offered before … you'll NEVER get a better opportunity than the one you have this very second.
I'm not promising this will make you a millionaire overnight, but it can show you how to get to the point at which you have no financial worries relatively quickly … and I might add, without having to work around the clock to do it.
In a nutshell, what I'd like to send to you, so you can review it and test it from the comfort and security of your own home for a whole month, is something that will show you how to turn product licenses into huge monthly incomes. It's absolutely fascinating.
Now that's got to be worth at least making the effort to review this potentially life-changing information. No pressure … Just take a look at it at home and decide for yourself if it's for you or not.
You can even 'test drive' the programme while you're making your mind up. Try it out if you like …
And it couldn't be easier to do. In fact, all you need to do to get started is press the button below and securely make your request to have the course shipped to you.
Do this now and in a few days you’ll have in your possession something I can testify from my own personal experience, will get your heart racing and your mind spinning with thoughts of the lifestyle you could enjoy from running a profitable licensing business.
The sooner you do it, the sooner you can start... and I'm not just talking about making the living you deserve, but having fun doing it too.
Finally, thank you so much for taking the time to read this page. I promise, as soon as I receive your request, I'll send you your package the very same day (or first thing the following morning if your order arrives after 1pm). Sound fair to you?
So, it's over to you…
Nick James
P.S. The potential and possibilities from this are just so huge. And you'll never get a better, or more inexpensive way of learning about this first-hand than from someone who actually makes a great living from this. But I don't want you just to take my word for it, I really want you to find out for yourself. And that means taking action right now by requesting your copy of this unique programme today.
P.P.S. You have NOTHING TO LOSE whatsoever. You are completely covered by our 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee. Even if you decide that this is not for you after reviewing the programme, you get to keep ALL the bonuses that's over £485 of free bonuses for you to keep no matter what you decide.
FINALLY If you have decided to NOT to order, please click here to read a letter from one of my private students, who was lucky enough to get early access to this home study course and has already generated $5,815 (£4,777.11) using this exact system.
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